F.lli Gagliazzi is a reality that has been able to build an important evolutionary path, which brought from the butcher shop in 1950 to an internazional commercialization of ready dishes for high catering.
This would not be possible if F.lli Gagliazzi had not always and firmly believe in the quality, a quality built making treasure of the great experience in the selection of raw materials, of the knowledge of the italian culinary tradition, of the direct and daily relation with the public. But also a quality built on strong connection with their interlocutors ad on the awareness of the importance of innovation.
Gagliazzi butchery, even today operative in the historical centre of Dello, was the first in Lombardia to be recognise from the Associazione Italiana Celiachia, as a testimony of a great attention to the market and its evolution.
Outside the national border, today’s commercial relationships with really advanced market like USA, not only impose to the Company a supply chain that track every ingredient used and every batch produced, but also the constant attendance of qualification and update, as entail the habitual inspections from international organisms like the american Food and Drug Administratio (FDA).
For this reason Gagliazzi’s products are CE brand, an identification which allows the international sale and proves the quality of hhe products.