The attention for the environment has always characterized the work of the family and the company F.lli Gagliazzi. From the beginning of this business, the direct and daily contact with raw materials and with the values of the tradition has raised an elevated sensibilty towards energy saving and ecological protection’s topics.
During the international growth occurred in these sixty years, the administration has been able to take the opportunities to increase not only its products and its work, but also to invest in permanent solutions that permit to the company a sustainable growth towards the environment, origin of the life cycle of Gagliazzi’s products.
Here some of the guidelines and iniziatives launched so far:
Gagliazzi prefers local suppliers, within a radius of 40km, for reducing the enviromental impact caused by transports and at the same time for having a better control of the raw materials.
Installation of photovoltaic panels with productive capacity of 40kw with an average annual production of almost 50.000kw and an annual abatement around 32.000kg of CO2.
Installation of solar heating panels that allow to heat autonomously up to 1.000 litres of water for company use.
District heating, voluntary compliance since the beginning of the supply on the territory.
A system for the recycling of the heat produced by the engines of the gears to integrate the heating of water.
Advanced ovens which permit overnight cooking and acquisition of techniques of vacuum-seal and low temperatures cooking, for garanting an additional energy saving.
Electric energy stabilisation’s system, which in 2016 permitted to save 16% of electric energy consumed.
Upgrade of the enlightment system with the addition of high energy saving LED lightbulbs.
Waste disposal remains a crucial aspect for a productive company in the environmental protection: Gagliazzi always separates waste for simplify reuse. To prevent distraction mistakes or linguistic incomprehensions , in Gagliazzi’s factories all the production chain follow the cromatic code of the belonging territory. A simple as intelligent solution to ensure a correct sorting.